Anya the Siberian Husky

Anya the Siberian Husky

Sunday, June 26, 2011


June 25-26, 2011

I went on my first camping trip with Mommy - we went up the Poudre Canyon along the Poudre River and spent the night at Ranger Lakes in Colorado State Forest. My big brother Jake, Rachel and Shugga went went us.

I had a great time - when we got back, we all took a long nap.

Here are some pics:

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I had a wonderful day with Mommy hiking in Roosevelt National Forest - first we stopped along the St. Vrain River and took some pics - then Mommy found a trail at Roosevelt National Forest along Boulder County Road 47 that has a mountain view and lots of trees - the trail went down in the woods and I had a lot of fun - I was also very pooped when I got home and needed a bath.

Here are some pics:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's Summer!

Been very busy lately - working on my commands with Mommy and taking walks by the pond. I am slowly getting better at walking. Still have a little trouble staying away from the kitty, but am improving. She is getting used to me.

I love playing with my toys. Haven't had any potty accidents in a long time.

I am a year old now and going through some changes - Mommy said it's like having a toddler and a teenager all at once. But, she loves me anyway.

Here's me playing with my bone with my best friend Shugga - Cheyenne (the kitty) is on the back of the sofa (Mommy had to put a blanket on the sofa to keep my dog hair off)

Here we are watching TV - Mommy thought it was cute that we are all looking at it at the same time

Here I am pooped out after playing with my toys

This is the park Mommy takes me for walks every day